July 3: Launch party @ Flux Factory
July 10, 11: disc/tour @MoCCA
Exhibit through August 7th
The project: create a walk-through art maze in the Flux Factory gallery space over which comic book characters (the audience) interact with their environment and develop their stories, based on the choices they make.
The artists: established and emerging cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic novelists.
Visitors walk through the life-sized art maze and put together a 3-D “Choose Your Own Adventure” story, with side-plots, dead-ends, and parallel narrative universes, created in a collaborative atmosphere.
Depending on which directions visitors choose at various junctures along the way, the course of the story is altered accordingly.
Narrative labyrinth or art funhouse for grownups? Both. Don’t lose your map.
Participating artists include comix artists Daupo Gassaway, Jason Little and Alex Holden, artist/writer Andrea Dezso, and illustrator Aya Kakeda.
Artists will be in attendance for launch party/tour on July 3rd.
Open to public: Saturday/Sunday, 2pm - 8pm
By appointment/reserve: (646) 319-4413
Find it: Flux Factory
3838 43rd Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
Get info: (718) 707-3362
Related events: Discussion/tour @ MoCCA
July 10, 11, 2 p.m.
Brooklyn-based cartoonist Jason Little discusses the creative process and final product of the "Cartünnel" project, at MoCCA, the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art.
After the lecture, attendees swoop out on a field trip to visit "Cartünnel" at the Flux Factory.
No, they don't really swoop; no brooms.
About lecturer: Cartoonis Jason Little is the author of "Bee", the weekly "bubblegum noir" cartoon strip. In addition to suspense cartoons, he is also pursuing a series of experimental cartoons; he's drawn narrative cartoons based on the Heimlich maneuver restaurant instruction poster, as well as an airline safety instruction card. Among other experiments is the Xeric Award-winning "Jack's Luck Runs Out", a story told through playing cards.
Find it: MoCCA (Musueum of Comic and Cartoon Art)
594 Broadway (between Houston & Prince)
Suite 401
Get info:(212) 254-3511
Find more art events in the July 2004 issue of "Arte Six".
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