“FAUST/How I Rose”
Nov 16, 18—20, 7:30pm
Sell your soul to the devil and you wind up with a few unique...complications. Just ask Faust, whose notorious pact takes on post-apocalyptic ramifications in “FAUST/How I Rose.”
Playwright and multimedia artist John Jesurun applies a cinematic sensibility to a contemporary retelling of the centuries-old tale.
Adapted from a Spanish language production by Mexico’s Teatro de Arena, “FAUST/How I Rose” tackles a host of cultural, social, and personal politics.
A high-flying diplomat, Jesurun’s Faust is lured by love and crushed by its inevitable pain, a vulnerability exploited by his oft-sympathetic, female Mephistopheles.
Mephisto, in the meantime, has her own problems; bedeviled by flawless 360-degree vision, she sees everything from every point of view, simultaneously. For all eternity. Hellish, no?
Find it: BAM - Brooklyn Academy of Music
30 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Get info: (718) 636-4100
Find other dance/theatre events, in the OCT/NOV issue of "Arte Six".
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