
"4 X 4"
Through August 29th

Four art projects from artists creating work for the fourth borough of Florence: voila, it's "4 X 4".

The open-air exhibit is being held in three venues: the park-gardens of Villa Vogel, Villa Strozzi and Villa Pandolfini.

The common denominator for all the projects is the 'incidental' principle; the spectator is confronted with contemporary art where he least expects it. Just when you thought you were safe from a little culture intruding on your stroll through the park...

That's the goal of the exhibit, and we're thinking 'confronted' is probably the word, considering that artist Filippo Frosini's contribution is a huge bug sculpture. Taking a nip of hazelnut gelato, readjusting your sun shades, and --"Holy macaroni, it's a giant bug. How'd that get there?"

The concept: a low-key exploration of paradox, in that the tiniest of the species becomes nearly as large as the dinosaur. Hmm. Yes.

Sound design from Stefano Passerotti replaces the natural sounds of the garden with soundscapes drawn from nature -- birds chirping, etc., only it's all electronically rendered.

The artists: Chema Alvargonzalez, (b.1960); he lives and works in Barcelona and Berlin Timet; Stefano Passerotti, composer and sound designer; Lorenzo Brusci (b.1966) is the founder of concept group "Timet." He lives and works in Tuscany. Lastly, Filippo Frosini, born in Siena in 1977, and local artist Vittorio Corsini.

[Shown: “Cricket”, (2004)
Wood, stainless steel, fiberglass, industrial paint
Filippo Frosini]

Find it: Consiglio di Quartiere 4
Commissione Cultura
Villa Vogel
V. delle Torri, 23
Get info: +39-055-27-67-113-135

Find other art exhibits (and art interventions) worldwide, in the August 2004 issue of "Arte Six".